PHP code injection

remember is “code” injection

look for the same or close payloads looks like burp scan report and change values

1){${sleep(hexdec(dechex(20)))}} burp


3){${system(ls -la)}}

easy ;)

again read php codes system,exec,….

sometimes like sql use ‘ or ”

google everything

However, remember that double quotes are being sanitized? Therefore, we can use another way by reading the value from a variable which in this case is reading input from another GET parameter. Since $_GET is a dictionary, the key can be a number. So we can set the 2nd parameter to be 1=ls or 0=ls, etc, and read it using $_GET[1] or $_GET[0] respectively.

GET parameter is give use html form :)


Therefore, our exploit URL should be (+ means <space> in URL encoding):

if is filtred

The file in the / directory

There are a number of files provided as well as the “dockerfile” to set up the server

